Monday 3 February 2014

The Goodness Jar

Some people like to make new year resolutions. There is an idea that when January comes around and you feel bloated and hung over from Christmas that it is the right time to assess your progress and objectively make changes in your life; except it isn't objective because you feel bloated and hung over.
By now and without being pessimistic my guess is many nyr's have been forgotten and regular February behaviour has commenced. One thing we have done in this household though is taken proactive steps to be more thankful. How do I know it will work? Because I made a craft thing that I like playing with too much not to keep it up.
It's a goodness jar. It may look like a strange french maid but it's a goodness jar. Every time something good happens we write it on the pad, fold it up and put it in the goodness jar. It could be seeing friends, getting to talk about God at work, doing a bunch of situps - whatever is good goes in the jar.
The idea is that in a year's time we open the jar and focus on all the positives of the year. It's worked so far so I'm thinking this nyr should last.

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