Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Every cloud...

It's the end of the academic year and so it's time to reflect on all things education. Part of making this time bearable - because we are northerners- includes a fuddle (not a state of confusion but a gathering of people and food) commonly referred to as a picnic but this is inside. It's a really nice way to end the year and start the summer. In order that this fuddle can be most effective there is a list drawn up with who will be bringing which delectable goodie. Yes fun has started to seep away already but I did say we are in education.
I consider myself a sociable person, I'm happy to divulge my goings on with my colleagues and regularly regale my tales of woe. So when the list went up you can imagine both my surprise and horror as I discovered I was bringing... Wait for it.... Cake. Flipping cake! 
We have established I can't bake. We have accepted this. I was really hopeful they might mean...
But I clarified and nope it was the edible kind they wanted- really not much point asking me! I asked if I could be in charge of decorations instead, put together a really nice patchwork table cloth or something but no, they weren't budging. I had to bring cake. I struggled with this for a while, I even went through the stages: denial- they have the wrong name on the list, nope that's not it, anger- do these people not listen to me at all?? depression- I just can't do it, bargaining (probably came first with the table cloth idea) until I finally arrived at acceptance. So after wrestling with my dilemma this is what was delivered for the fuddle:
Isn't it beautiful! It's an angel cake with icing and sprinkles. The icing isn't perfect but the cake - moist... Let me tell you fish couldn't put it into words! 
I was so satisfied with myself. Everyone was so impressed with my contribution. Even more impressed that I had put it in a box with all the ingredients on so anyone with allergies could make an informed decision. Even more impressed I had costed the cake should someone want to make it for themselves on a budget. And it blew their socks off that I had attached a barcode!
For those of you that haven't worked it out yet- it's shop bought. And I don't even feel bad. Everyone loved it. Which they wouldn't have done had I have try to bake. On the upside, if I continue to make these I will be a lot closer to growing that third boob I mentioned in an earlier post. Every cloud and all that...

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