Thursday, 4 July 2013

Crap at life, good at craft

I think the title of today's post definitely should be written on a tombstone for me. 
Today I was supposed to get my visa. I was supposed to go to the Indian consulate, prove I'm a person and leave to return one day next week to collect my visa allowing me to travel to Howrah in less than a fortnights time. 
Upon arrival at the wrong building whilst surveying the people around me I realised quite an important thing. I'm an idiot. It was bad enough that I was at the wrong place but the cherry on the cake was that I had driven an hour and a half to produce my passport to the authorities with one minor mishap- I had forgotten my passport.
Oops! Oh well I thought maybe they could process my paperwork without it. So after I wandered listlessly around the jewellery quarter (talk about temptation!) I found the right building and a rather friendly security guard who informed me that I was a dreamer with no hope. He put it more politely than that but the sentiment was the same. He gave me a ticket and pointed me in the right direction and I dutifully waited for the third person to tell me I'm a duffus. I had already given myself a stern telling off.
The tv shouted me to the booth and the security man was right. There was no hope for me. I would have to return a different day. Ah well at least I know where I am going and I had accurately inserted information about my parents- that much they could tell me. But to get the visa another trip was necessary. As I walked and then drove home I must've said 'on the bright side' a dozen times. This put me in quite a good mood - there was no one around to remind me how ridiculously I had failed. As such I thought I would give machine embroidery another try, and guess what? It worked!
I've finished three words and already thinking about the fourth. With a little bit of time and a lot of patience I managed to fix the machine problem. Admittedly I had to sacrifice a needle at the alter of sewing machine Gods but my offering seemed to please them.
So although my journey of self discovery led me to realise I'm still scatty and a little bit stupid, at least I still get my craft right. And let's face it, who wants to be good at life when you're awesome at craft?

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