I think it's a suitable blog entry for two reasons:
1. It's an easy homemade gift just in time for a festive period.
2. It is incredibly pretty and orange so still partially what I wanted to blog about.
It's a collapsible food basket. My mother in law has one that she bought from France that she puts bread rolls in and is a fancy centre piece for something quite basic so I thought I would give it a try. And as a food basket needs food I made rock cakes to go inside.
I know my friend's kitchen is decorated in golds, oranges and earthy colours which is why I picked the fabric and I've already made her an apron using the same ribbon edges so soon her kitchen will have lots of matching accessories. The inside is a different fabric which is lighter and I really like the contrast of the two fabrics. You can see the inside better here:
What is so lovely about this is that it's two pieces of fabric, sewn right side together, turned inside out and ribbons attached in the corners to make it pop up. Easy! The ribbon part is the most time consuming- working out where to put it to get the right height. Equally it would be easy to make a set of these in a variety of sizes - now there's an idea!
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