Sunday, 10 November 2013

If Coca Cola says so, it must be so.

The famous advert has been on so it must be true, Christmas must be on its way. I absolutely love Christmas! Mainly because I get presents and I'm a sucker for shiny boxes under a tree. As we've already discovered I'm a breeze to buy for so as long as its covered in shiny paper and has my name on it - I'm happy. 
Another absolute pleasure is being able to flex my crafting muscles under the guise of making gifts for others. I get to claim craft purchases as ingredients towards gifts and therefore put them on a joint account and I get to experiment with all the ideas I've seen in magazines - what is not to love about Christmas?! Did I also mention that it's the time we remember our saviour being born? Now eternity in heaven, try beating that as a gift! (had to point it out guys, I'm a Christian after all).
This year I've been reading a lot about packaging. And I have to say I'm a guilty packer. I make pretty gifts then generally put them in bags, it's a gift bag if you're lucky but I have resorted to 'posh' supermarket carrier bags in the past. As suchI thought it was about time I broke the habit.
This is my box making pallet groove thingy:
Obviously that is the technical name. On one side are grooves for cards and then on the reverse side are grooves for boxes. I've had it a while but not put it to the test. You will notice a black pen, that's because I've lost the implement to make the grooves so improvised. Keep the lid on if you find yourself in this position- it fits the grooves but doesn't leave unpleasant black lines.
These are my boxes:
The brown one was the first one and then I just gradually got more adventurous until I made a tiny triangle box with a tiny gift inside for a good friend of mine. The big triangle box is another PIF gift but the square boxes are Christmas gifts. Look at me being all prepared!
I'm very excited about the look of the boxes, I think they do have that professional appearance which I haven't been able to achieve previously- supermarket plastic bags just don't give you the edge. It also bumps up the simple gift inside to something a bit more special. Well I think so anyway, I will have to find out and let you know after the recipients give me their feedback.

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