Saturday, 15 June 2013

Simple things please simple minds

I'm a horder, there I've said it. You can judge at will. I keep all kinds of random bits and pieces because one day they may come in handy. Why throw away less than a square inch of lace, that could adorn a hand made card one day! Or tip buttons into the bin- that crime should be punishable by eating lard. Each scrap of pretty paper, floral fabric or cute card is saved in this house: just in case.
My husband would argue until the death about this - he likes everything tidy (what a freak) and feels that there has to be a limit of what I save or collect from others too for that matter. But it's on days like today when I revert to being a three year old, I blob my tongue out with pride and say ner ner na ner ner to my other half.
Was a skirt that I bought for £3 because it was £3 and I thought I could wear a belt with it. It was the wrong length and I didn't love it enough so to the bottom of my drawer it went. However when having a clear out (shudder) it was moved from the bottom drawer to my 'fabric for craft' bag and waited there to be converted into a rather lovely vintage apron for my friend. Yes, another PIF gift.
And this...
Was a bathroom curtain from my mamma's house.
Among my favourite words, as long as they are said by someone else, are 'we are having a clear out' my heart skips a beat, my palms get sweaty and my pupils dilate. As soon as I can get in up to my elbows in someone else's stuff I forget all social decorum. 
So until my husband actually threatens me with divorce and even then it would be a tough choice, or the house falls down from the weight of fabric I will collect and store and play with my scraps until the cows come home. I'm ok with being made happy by simple things, and even if it means I have a simple mind... Who actually wants complex?

1 comment:

  1. Lol I too am a bit of a hoarder and have loads of stuff in my attic that I just can't throw away just in case :O)
