Monday, 24 June 2013

Iceberg ahead!

I've been incredibly busy this weekend celebrating my dad's 60th birthday. My dad is not your typical dad. Don't get me wrong he is a caring bloke- not that he would ever say anything but his actions speak for themselves. At a moments notice he has come to help as we had problems with our home and taken us in when things got really bad. But my pops is as eccentric as they get. He doesn't have a living room, he has a library and I'm talking floor to ceiling solid with books. His freezer is in his bedroom which is full of microwaveable food. He sleeps in the top bunk of bunk beds and his bathroom has over 35 teddies in it for when my niece comes to stay. Not that they are stored there, no they live on the shelves. I have many stories about my pops all which will leave you with face ache from laughing so hard, but this one is about the weekend's antics.
Now you have this information you might be less shocked to discover that to celebrate his 60th my dad wanted to go clubbing. Not just a drink until the bar closes but actual dark room, flashing lights, loud music clubbing. Fine so far. All of dad's workmates were also going clubbing. Still fine. We were to meet them in a pub then go on from there. Fine... Then we saw this chap.
For the record- not my dad- but one of his work colleagues. His nickname is Iceberg. Which we discovered when a short tongued other member of the group couldn't seem to help himself but shout it periodically through the evening. This only stopped when the same short tongued gent felt the need to either hydrate himself or shout 'Ian' at the top of his voice. This might be one of the situations where you had to be there but my goodness! It was hilarious. It was at this point I developed a new found respect for my dad. His job is to manage the mischievous lot that wandered from pub to pub last Friday night. One got half naked. Another jumped from a podium and did a belly flop onto the floor. Then you have iceberg in dress shoes and camouflaged gear and the short tongued gent with terrets. 
I followed my pops for as long as I could but there is a limit as to how long I could put up with 7 drunken men struggling to maintain eye contact so I left pops with my husband and waited for them to tell me they wanted to come home. At 3am (!) I got the call.
I guess I had no idea what my dad really put up with at work or what to expect on a night out with him. I suppose when you get introduced to an iceberg you should expect that 70% won't be revealed until the last minute.

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