Monday 4 August 2014


You know me, I'm always looking for a bargain and to try to overcome my horder tendancies. Ok I don't try hard enough at that but the bargain thing is true. Recently a fabulous lady suggested a swap event. Something they make for something I make. I was well up for it and immediately starting showing pictures of things I could swap, thankfully lots of people were interested and soon trades were made. I've had jewellery from Beautiful and Precious, buttons from Jellybean Home and Decor and a gorgeous print from Hope Eternal. You can find all of their pages on Facebook but if you're stuck message me, I would be happy to point you in the right direction. I figured this was a good way to stock up on Christmas gifts. But then the horder in me reared up.
I fell so in love with the prints from Hope Eternal I bought an extra one, just in case. Then I realised I'm allowed presents. What a bizarre concept, well not really I love presents and often keep things I like too much to give away. Maybe I should actually do something about being a horder.
I digress. 
When I had the print I decided I wanted to turn it into a real feature for my porch. Picking up on the Nottingham lace theme I bordered two edges with trim. Then picking up on the nature theme I used leaf print fabric to create a mount board. 
The craft side of it - mostly glue and staples is a bit crude- but the finished product is beautiful. I love it and I know for sure noone will have another one like it. 

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