Anyway, when I saw one of the many competitions on Facebook run by the wonderful people of JellyBean Home Decor and Gifts part of the realistic me thought I should keep scrolling. But what caught my eye was the fact this company was using National Kindness week to give away some kindness. They invited people to list whatever would cheer that person up. And reading through the list I couldn't help but be encouraged. There was a person asking for purple socks- just because, someone asked for a notebook - we all need a good notebook, another lady just wanted some kind words of encouragement.
The thing was all these people were just looking for something to make them smile and I realised happiness comes in all shapes and sizes but for some it's purple socks because, well, why the heck not! Feeling upbeat already I decided to comment asking for a bag of buttons. Specifically not the chocolate kind. I love buttons. I buy them whenever I see their round goodness and for no reason at all. There shouldn't have to be a reason for buttons. Life is just better with them.
To my absolute surprise, I was picked! I nearly wet myself with excitement. Not only was I getting buttons but I had actually won something.
A big package made its way through my door. I'm a huge present fan and I could barely contain my excitement. In fact I think I shrieked.
But then this happened:
I had a lovely note awaiting my attention with an even better surprise, inside the original package was a smaller package with buttons made just for me!
To appreciate my excitement delve deep into your memories as a child playing pass the parcel, you've just won the first round and then by sheer magic you win the next round. That's how greedily I tore into the package.
This is what I found:
Buttons!!! Lots of lovely buttons.
As if the excitement couldn't get any better I dug out the second package.
Look at the size of that green one! I love it! But then look what was inside the green package:
Two beautifully glittery handmade buttons just for me by the very talentalented people at Little Dragon Jewellery.
I have no idea how I'm going to use them yet and I might not for a while but it certainly made my day. Thank you JellyBean for your lovely kindness. I hope many people are inspired to do the same.
In that spirit, for anyone that shares this blog post, I will enter your name into a hat and promise three people a chocolate bar. Happy kindness week people.
Ps. Both companies can be found on Facebook and I believe on Etsy.
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