Saturday, 18 January 2014

Quick gift ideas part two

This is the follow up from my previous post but I've since realised to make this aspect you need a lot of time and ergo not exactly a 'quick gift idea'. Apologies if you have been offended by the misleading title. You can forward all complaints to:
12 never never street
So for this side of the gift you are going to need to spend the day at home slowly cooking orange slices on a very low heat in your oven to help them dry out. I did a massive batch all at once and then stored them in a tupperware container so that should I want a quick gift I have them to hand. As my husband wasn't a fan of leaving the oven on all the time I was guilty of putting my oranges back into the oven after every cooked meal. Thankfully the orange smell beats other cooked food smells.
Once you have these you buy a soap base, there are loads of choices out there but I use Bee Beautiful from Amazon and it's always been delivered quickly and is easy to use.
You need to heat up the soap base - I use the microwave - and then add colours and flavours to your heart's desires layering them up as again you please depending on the look you want. These soaps are chocolate orange with a dried orange in the bottom so as you use the soap you will be exfoliating too. I also did a batch that had the orange on the top - much more striking aesthetically but not as practical so you can go for again whichever your giftee will appreciate the most.
For my Christmas gifts some people got a box of one massive soap, some a box of smaller varying soaps and the others a box with the candle and wash cloth. I will go back to being very British soon I promise.
These were all sent out in the boxes I made (there is another blog on here about that if you'd like a visual) and largely the gifts were well received. I'm curious to know what people think of the gifts after they have used them for a while, so feel free to comment below.
The varieties you could do with these are endless and you could brighten up the boxes to make them mother's day gifts or birthday gifts.

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