I'm a Christian and as we've established this means a few things, Jesus is God, the Bible is His word, and the Godhead is lord and creator of all things. Being a crafter it's easy to admire a creator. It does not mean I will hit you with my Bible on your way out.
Another awesome thing about being a Christian is that I get to celebrate Christmas with unbridled joy. This doesn't mean I spend millions on the people in my life (I wish I had millions to spend on them but let's face it I would just buy craft instead) it means I celebrate the birth of my saviour and jump with both feet into caroling, tinsel and yule log.
On the other hand a few pet hates of mine include Bah Humbugs, argumentative relatives and most of all the term 'Xmas'. First of all it doesn't work phonetically - you'd be forced to say crossmas or exmas and what has that got to do with anything. Secondly if you need to remove Christ from the Christmas forget celebrating it. Thirdly Xmas features in no Christmas carols. Fourthly X just means no, bad or wrong to me as a symbol so why celebrate that?
For all those people out there that use Xmas as a shorter version of Christmas I have a message - don't! The attached picture is a wool wrapped word which I will be selling this year to all Xmas to Christmas converts at a reduced price but prooves if you can wrap and bend wire to make 'Christmas', a pen should be able to draw holly and tinsel and snowflakes and candy canes and rudolph with no bother at all and the full word not a shorter apology for it.
Take that Bah Humbugs!
Thursday, 28 November 2013
If I can do it anybody can
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Right tools for the job
This blog starts with a gift. My mamma is responsible for a lot in my life for which she deserves an age of credit but one thing I can rely upon her for is amazingly random gifts. She bought me the first picture on the list after I had played with hers- I would insert the name of the contraption but since I'm a maker not baker I've no idea what it's called. At first I thought I would never use it but in less than a month it has saved my creations in a variety of ways.
The second picture is of an article I saw in a craft magazine. As it was in a craft magazine I was convinved that it would be suitable for crafters. Maybe it is and I'm just a dunce- who knows. I followed the recipe to the letter and unsurprisingly it turned out nothing like it should have. Where I should've had 'firm balls' I had something that resembled the scrotum of a ninety year old man- clearly watching embarrassing bodies is having an affect on my use of imagery. After a lot of improvisation and frowning I made the goo I had made into the 'firm balls' I required. I gave myself a cooling off period then went back to work on the chocolate.
Following the method in the magazine I was left with, well continuing with the embarrassing bodies theme I will leave it to your imagination. I abandoned the recipe again and went my own way and managed to make it look like the pictures then I added stars to replace the flowers from the magazine.
To be honest the picture on the plate looks nothing like the magazine but after I boxed them up and handed them out they were very well received.
I've frozen some mixture so I will be making more chocolates up for Christmas gifts and I get to make even more boxes so I'm happy but I wouldn't have been able to make these goodies without the right tools for the job. Guess mamma knew what I needed before I did, that's why she is known as supernan.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Making as a reward for marking
As Christmas approaches it gets harder to write this craft blog as obviously my makes are going to be for gifts. As much as I would like to think that this blog is read by millions worldwide I'm pretty sure mostly it is read by my friends indulging my eccentricity. This leaves me with somewhat a dilema. Either I hibernate for the festive period then inundate you with blogs after the surprise can't be ruined or we establish a rule, if you don't want to have the surprise ruined- don't read on. For now I'm still fixated on my boxes so you can safely read on while we collectively try to reach the masses.
After being a good girl and doing my marking I decided I deserved a reward. I retreated to my craft allocated corner of my house and built my little boxes. I've attached tonight's effort somewhere although I confess I'm on a new phone so I'm not sure where it's gone.
I still can't decide if I prefer traditional wrappers to the 'nordic' papers which seems to be mega popular so please feel free to comment.
Be warned the next blog will be about the gifts I've been making- your surprise is in your own hands people, similar to destiny but that's far too deep and meaningful for a Monday.