Saturday, 5 October 2013

Punctuated Projects

I read an article recently about the therapeutic powers of baking. Personally I think this is absolute TOSH. For those of you that know me or have read my earlier blogs you will appreciate my journey with baking, I try, I usually fail, a blog is written and I get back to my crafting. What I do find therapeutic though, is the entirely captivating powers of craft.
I regularly start projects get distracted like a five year old and then move onto something else, but a common thread is I return to these projects and finish them off- unlike a five year old. Either after a week and polish off to perfection or repeatedly take them out add to them and then put it away again. 
Most people would assume this makes for boring, elongated projects (sometimes true) but for me it makes them more special because they become witnesses to my existence. I'm guilty of personifying everything. As I sit adding to a piece of craft I think about where I was the last time I was doing it, who I was with, what was happening. It always makes me think about when I learned how to do the craft and as such laughable, not always happy but laughable, memories start to build up. I usually put the craft away because it has beaten me but I rarely remember that frustration, especially when what I add to the work looks as pretty as this:
It probably doesn't look much to you but that tiny feather is part of a much bigger project. A project that has been going for years, a project that I both love and hate but one that's seen me through uni, two relationships one of which turned into marriage, arguments and make ups, dream jobs and house moves. As you can see I'm a busy girl so it's hardly surprising projects get put on the back burner for a while.
Each time I get this particular cross stitch out, I'm convinced I will finish it off once and for all. But as I've aged and hopefully matured- jury is still out on that one - I'm happy to accept that whatever I add to it this time will be a memory for the next time.

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